March 23, 2020
To Whom It May Concern,
We are writing to inform you that LTD Material, LLC meets the definition of an “Essential Business” under the guidance issued by the Mayor or Austin in order #20200324-007 as well as the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) as well as the Department of Defense.
Reference: MEMORANDUM ON IDENTIFICATION OF ESSENTIAL CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE WOKERS DURING COVID-19 REPSONSE, dated March 19th 2020. (http://www.cisa.gov/publicatio/guidence-essential-critical -infrastructure-workforce)
City of Austin / issued March 24, 2020.
Order 20200324-007 / Essential Business / xiv Supplier for Essential Business, Critical Infrastructure, and Essential Government Function. Businesses that supply other Essential Businesses Critical Infrastructure and Essential Government Functions with the support, supplies, or components necessary to operate including but not limited to computer, audio and video electronics, microelectronics, semiconductors, hardware, paint, electrical and plumbing materials, sanitary equipment, medical equipment, and food and beverages.
LTD Materials is a semiconductor component supplier to companies such and Texas Instrument, Samsung, Intel Corp, Micron, and Global Foundries. The companies in turn supply to the Medical, Military, and Communications fields.
Therefore, please consider LTD Material as an “Essential Business”. If one requires any additional information regarding the services provided by LTD Material, please contact the following:
Kevin T. Nguyen
CEO, LTD Material, LLC